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Monday 27 June 2011

Printmaking (Original post dated: 07/05/11)

Last weekend I visited a printmaker Sue Stewart, through a local Arts Week (Somerset). She creates collagraphs in her own little studio, using all sorts of methods and ideas, which she seemed keen to share with me. She even gave a demonstration of her printing technique, which was very interesting. She forms collagraphs using all sorts of materials including tile adhesive, sand mixed into glue, as well as more natural materials such as feathers and plants. By rubbing colour into the surface of the plate, she achieves much more detail and depth in her prints, rolling on a final colour at the end of the inking process. She gave me a lot of advice and tips for printing collagraphs, which I can’t wait to experiment with in the print room! She even gave me a free print and offered me the use of her press if need it, which is very kind of her. Here is the free print I was given ...........

The selective placement of the hand mixed colour on the collagraph plate, accentuates the texture of the embossed paper.

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